Fruit cake

This cake I prepared for my sister`s birthday.

For this cake we need to make two crust. In one crust goes 6 egg whites, 1oo g of sugar, 75 g of chopped walnuts, 75 g of chopped dried figs, 75 g of dried grapes. In all this we add 2 tablespoons of flour. We place this mixture in the cake mold and bake it in heated oven at 175 degrees for 30 minutes.

We make all this again for another crust.

Fill: 12 egg yolks mix with 200 g of sugar powder and cook on the steam. We mix 250 g of margarine, add 2 vanilla sugar and mix it with egg yolk.

When fill has cooled we fill each crust with it and we can garnish with whipped cream over.



  1. Hello, I'm coming.... Good night, have a nice dreams. http://fotisbazakas.blogspot.com

  2. thanks for sharing. i want to try this one. yummy! ( :

  3. That looks so delicious!I think I will make it!thank you for sharing!

  4. mmh..sound like creamy cakes.. del-ici-ous

  5. Hello! Have a great week, sun and fun and only happy days. All the best from Grevena Greece. http://fotisbazakas.blogspot.com


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