Fruit cake

This cake I prepared for my sister`s birthday.

For this cake we need to make two crust. In one crust goes 6 egg whites, 1oo g of sugar, 75 g of chopped walnuts, 75 g of chopped dried figs, 75 g of dried grapes. In all this we add 2 tablespoons of flour. We place this mixture in the cake mold and bake it in heated oven at 175 degrees for 30 minutes.

We make all this again for another crust.

Fill: 12 egg yolks mix with 200 g of sugar powder and cook on the steam. We mix 250 g of margarine, add 2 vanilla sugar and mix it with egg yolk.

When fill has cooled we fill each crust with it and we can garnish with whipped cream over.


Delicious pasta

In salt water we cook pasta(we must to be careful not to overcook) and drain it.

In oil we fry 1 onion and 500 grams of minced meat, add in it 2 tablespoons tomato puree, 2 tablespoons sour cream and grated peel of one lemon. We add salt and pepper to taste.

On a greased baking pan we sprinkle breadcrumbs to make pasta to be crunchy than we put a layer of pasta then meat and sprinkle over it grated cheese. We lay rows until we spend all material.

Bake pasta in the oven at 225 degrees for about 30 minutes until pasta get golden browned color.

We can offer pasta with a green salad.


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