
Typical Serbian meza!!!

Meze is a selection of small dishes served at the beginning of all large-scale meals.

In Serbia meze can include cheese, kajmak (clotted cream), smokes ham, kulen (flavoured sausage), suvo meso (dried salted smoked meat), sliced hard-boiled eggs.

Meze is served primarily at consumption of wine or rakia.

Kale rolls

500 grams of minced beef
200 grams of oil
80 grams of rice
25 leaves of kale
1 egg
1 onion
1 tablespoon of flour
ground red pepper
salt and pepper

Put in a saucepan 50 grams of oil and fry in it the chopped onion. Take it off from heat and add the washed rice, ground meat, egg, some pepper and salt to taste.

First wash kale leaves and pour over them a warm salt water and then drain the leaves.


On each leaf of kale place one tablespoon of meat filling. Curl leaves into small rolls as shown in the pictures below.

Like this...

On the bottom of greased pan put a few leaves of kale first and than place rolls side by side. Pour water over and cook on the medium heat for half an hour.

Heat the oil in a pan and add a tablespoon of flour, little of red pepper and a little water. Pour rolls whit this browned flour.

Serve with sour cream!!!


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